
2021-11-24 10:51:04 LOOK()


Patent Type

Reward  Amount

Domestic Patent

(1) Organizations:

subsidy of 1000 yuan/patent for application for invention patents, and additional 4000 yuan/patent for authorization;
subsidy of 1000 yuan/patent for authorization of utility model patents;
subsidy of 500 yuan/patent for authorization of appearance deisign patents;
(2) Individuals:
for the authorization of invention patents, 2,000 yuan/patent shall be subsidized; in case of agents invlovement, additional 2000 yuan/patent shall be subsidized;
for the authorization of utility model patents, the subsidy is 500 yuan/patent. If the patent agents get involved, additoinal 500 yuan/patent of subsidy shall be given;

for the authorization of apperance design patents, the subsidy is 500 yuan/patent.
(3) The annual fee payment for authorized invention patents as of the date of implementation of these “Measures” shall be subsidized within three years after being cut down according to national regulations.
(4) The same patent shall be funded according to the highest funding standard of the municipal or higher intellectual property management department and shall not be funded repeatedly.

International Patents

For applicants who apply for international patents, financial aid shall be given at 50% of the actual cost of each patent; except for particularly significant invention patents, the maximum amount of financial aid shall not exceed 150,000 yuan.


For organizations whose annual patent application volume is 100-200 patents (including 100 patents) above 200 patents, an additional 1000 yuan/patent shall be granted if applied invention patents are put into the substantive examination in the year;
for organizations whose annual patent application volume reaches more than 200 patents (including 200), an additional 2000 yuan/patent shall be granted if applied invention patents are put into the substantive examination in the year;
organizations whose annual patent application volume reaches more than 1000 patents (including 200 patents of invention patents) shall enjoy annual award of 500,000 yuan.


Patent Type

Reward Amount


For invention patent applications accepted by the China National Intellectual Property Administration: 1200 yuan/patent;

for invention patent applications authorized by the China National Intellectual Property Administration: 3000 yuan/patent;

for high-quality invention patents with more than 6 claims and core patens of enterprises: another 2,000 yuan/patent

Utility Model

for authorized patents by the China National Intellectual Property Administration: 600 yuan/patent


Appearance Design

for authorized patents by the China National Intellectual Property Administration: 200 yuan/patent

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