Zhao Lin

2023-04-24 10:16:51 see()


Zhao Lin

Director of Government Affairs


Ms. Zhao Lin is responsible for government policy analysis, development of application plans for technology projects, enterprise qualifications, honors, and supporting projects for enterprise talent qualifications. She is also responsible for collecting various policy plans and notices issued by departments such as the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Economic and Information Commission, the Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, the Municipal Small and Medium sized Enterprise Service Center, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, the District Science and Technology Bureau, and the Development and Reform Bureau, and analyzing, screening, and applying based on the company's situation.

In addition, Zhao is responsible for the application, specific execution, process management, and acceptance of various levels of government and government departments' solicitation projects, funding projects, and honor and qualification recognition projects.

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