Bear in Our Original Intention and Mission in Mind -Reflection on the Livestream...

2021-08-19 15:24:19 see()

Bear in Our Original Intention and Mission in Mind
-Reflection on the Livestream of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China Organized by CPC Branch of Shengxun Group

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, encourage our CPC members to further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, constantly forge ahead and help our high-quality development to a new level, the CPC Branch of Shengxun Group organized our middle and senior management, all CPC members and those active to join the CPC to watch the live broadcast of the "general meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China" in 2002 conference room, T2 Shengtai China Building, Baoding City at 8:30 a.m. on July 1.

When listening to the passionate speech delivered by President Xi Jinping, we looked back to the century history of the CPC and the brilliant eye-catching achievements; from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, a growing number of people joined in the CPC from the meeting in a small boat in the Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing. “A single spark can start a prairie fire”. Numerous people devoted their lives to fight against invaders. At last the invaders surrendered, and the People’s Republic of China was founded; President Deng Xiaoping initiated the reform and opening up, we welcomed the return of Hong Kong and Macao, and all our people are ushering in the new era with rapid technological and economic development. China has established its position in the international community under the leadership of the CPC.  

After watching the livestream and looking back to the glorious history of the CPC, we are all stimulated to bear our responsibilities in mind, finish our tasks with a firm belief and a high morale and in a high-standard, high-efficiency and high quality manner, and render our due contributions to our motherland and the CPC. 

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