Salute to our CPC by Singing -Shengxun Group Holds the Revolutionary Song Contest to Celebrate...

2021-08-19 15:20:07 see()

Salute to our CPC by Singing -Shengxun Group Holds the Revolutionary Song Contest to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to better carry forward the socialist core values and show the employees of Shengxun Group's spirit of loving and caring for the CPC, the first "always follow the CPC" red song competition of Shengxun Group got started in 2002 conference room, T2 Shengtai China Building, Baoding City on June 23.

 “Shining Red Stars” unveiled the curtain of the competition. The participating employees sang classic red songs such as Red Flag Fluttering, Return from Shooting, No New China without the Communist Party of China, Unity Means Strength, Green Flowers in the Army and My Motherland. Sometimes the singers were radical and bold, and sometimes they were gentle and touched. The employees did their best to show their pride as Chinese people and hoped for great rejuvenation and glory of the Chinese nation. 

In the new era of national prosperity and rapid development of science, technology and economy, Shengxun Group actively participated in red activities like singing red songs, spread the great strategy of "never forgetting our original intention and remembering our mission", adhered to the CPC's ideals and beliefs, developed the CPC's good workstyles, developed the enterprise culture with the guidance of the CPC, constantly explored and carried forward the connotation of corporate spirit, and enhanced the cohesion of employees.

Meanwhile the activity also provided an opportunity for our employees to show our talents, released our work pressure, and stimulated our enthusiasm for patriotism, love for the CPC and love for the people. We hope to keep passionate and stimulated at work in future and contribute more to China's intellectual property cause! 

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